Sunday, June 23–1st Celebration Service and Tire Dipping

Disclaimer–If you’re reading my blog, all grammar and punctuation errors are my own! 😉
This morning during our meeting we were asked to pray for Rob Drost from Edmonton, AB, Canada. Rob is the son of Harry and Henny Drost, 2 of our cyclists, and just had a major surgery for Stage 3 colon cancer. So I ask you all to include Rob and his family in your prayers too.

Where do you see God, do I see God in others, do others see God in me? These three questions were given by Claire Elgersma this morning. What sets these Sea to Sea tours apart is that God is the center of this tour, our churches are supporting us, and people are praying for us. Thank you!

Tim Spykstra, Cross Point CRC in Chino gave the message, Zechariah 4:6 “not by might, not by power but by your spirit.” Amen! We also had great singing. Thanks to all who came out to worship with us and send us on our way!

If you purchased a “Reflectors” book–the Sea to Sea meditation and map book, you will notice that we’re focusing on the Beatitudes for the 9 wks. (If you want one go to,
1st Beatitude, Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” This doesn’t say anything about financial wealth here–but where’s our spiritual condition?

So this afternoon we headed to the beach for the official tire dipping. (97 of us are starting out tomorrow morning.) We took photos, had prayer and dined by the water.


We had an opportunity to take a photo of Dordt alumni down by the jetty. Randy De Wolde (78-79)Joyce Vaags, Shirley and Rudy Folkerts (83) , Mark De Jong(’02) Jeff Kooiman (’93) Steve Groen (’79), Hank Vlaardingerbroek(’77), Joel Schreurs (’02) and myself (’03)
Other alumni sitings…Rick Jasper’s family (CA) and Laura Groen, here to encourage Steve Groen. Also, Ryan and Erin Groen (CA) , Art and Phyllis’s daughter, from Chino and Cross Point CRC. I don’t know if these two Groen families are related…should ask Steve sometime.

Right now many are organizing their stuff. What should they put in the baskets, and what should stay in their luggage bags. Each rider is given two laundry baskets for some of their gear. For example, I’m putting my electronics, anything breakable, or items that I need to grab quickly into my baskets. Then my tent, tarp, and sleeping gear will stay in my bag and I will cart that back and forth on a daily basis…along with some of my clothing.

In the ride down to the water today, 12 miles round trip, we’ve already experienced six flat tires as a group.
Just an FYI…over half of the riders starting out in the AM have never done a multi day ride. Most of that group has never ridden in a group setting. But, they are also committed to the cause of fighting poverty so I applaud, and welcome their efforts.

It’s time for lights out! It will be an early morning, there will be mass confusion with everyone trying to get out of camp at the same time, so please pray for us all.

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4 Responses to Sunday, June 23–1st Celebration Service and Tire Dipping

  1. Rick says:

    So excited for you, Barb. It was a BLAST yesterday! I’ll be praying that the Spirit and enthusiasm at Vanguard and on that beach will help propel you and the others through the start of this tremendous trip. Be blessed!

  2. Cynthia says:

    Hi Barb: Good to hear that you . Ralph and I will be keeping all the cyclists and support staff in our prayers. Have fun reconnecting with former C2C cyclists. Give my greetings to Randy. Looking forward to following along via the daily devotional and your blog. Keep safe, Cynthia

  3. Kathleen says:

    Hi Barb. I am enjoying following along via your blog. If you run into Hank Vlaardingerbroek again, tell him hi from me. We got to know each other many years ago back in Michigan and his family is very special to me.

  4. Norma Overbaugh says:

    Barb, please say hi to Steve and Laura Groen. Went to church with them in Bloomington, MN!! Small DUTCH world, huh?

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